Those who have done the Purification Program describe their resurgence of energy and outlook

I cannot believe the things I got rid of from past drugs and toxins that had accumulated in my body. Since doing the Purification Program, everything has changed! One of the things that changed for me dramatically were my perceptions. I would say this program really tuned them up. The best way to describe it is like getting a pair of glasses for the first time. When you put them on, everything seems so crystal clear, it’s three dimensional and it’s like seeing the world for the first time. Before the Purification Program, my muscles were always really tense and I felt frantic, but after completing it, I got this overwhelming calmness. I feel completely revitalized, not just in mind and body, but as a spiritual being. Now that I’ve done this program, I am ready for everything Scientology has to offer. This has totally set me on fire.—Catie Y
I feel 10 times better and feel more alive. I learned a lot about how many toxins and how much radiation my body could absorb over 20 years. Now, it’s like being in a new body that can properly function.—Quinn K
I gained a new enthusiasm about my future, whatever it may hold. Old mental and emotional situations are gone. They’ve been replaced by a vivacity and yearning for life. I feel 100 pounds lighter, 10 years younger. I have a richness of spirit and resonant good health.—George H
I have been reintroduced to my body minus the woodenness and loss of dexterity that I didn’t even realize was there until I did the Purification Program. Strong, often negative, emotions that pertained to periods in my life when I had taken a drug went away, along with drug residues.—Kris D

Before the Purification Program, I didn’t even know how sluggish and tired I was in life. I was so much more alive once I got all the toxic stuff out of my system. I stopped craving bad food and my skin had a fresh new glow to it. During the program, I had so much fun and never knew sweating could feel so great! I truly am a clear body and a clear mind product. I am fresh and alert in body, mind and spirit. Doing the Purification Program made me happier, more energetic and more full of life.—Kalee M